About us

Grundtvig Institute (G.I.) was founded in 1984 and later came under the ownership of the Grundtvig Movement of Nigeria. It is a residential post-secondary educational institute, inspired by our traditional education and the Education-for-Life philosophy of N.F.S. Grundtvig of Denmark (1783-1872) after whom the school is named.

The objective of the Grundtvig Institute is to provide “Education for Life” at the post secondary level. This is education that equips the student with a vocation/profession for the purposes of self employment, paid employment or further education; equips the student with positive attitudes, discipline, self-confidence, awareness and initiative necessary for successful living. Education based on the exploration and development of indigenous culture for the purpose of imbuing the student with cultural pride and confidence.


Unique Education

Grundtvig Institute is unique in that it differs from the bookish educational system in the country which is now producing unemployed, undisciplined and frustrated graduates. The Grundtvig Institute aims at producing graduates who are fully equipped to live lives useful and satisfactory to themselves, to their families and communities and to the nation.